Support our projects

Support TRF projects in education, well-recharge and community media to impact the lives of some of India's most marginalised communities. Donate and make a difference

It takes resources to recharge a well, or run a school, or build a campaign. You can be a part of the change by financially supporting our work. If you represent an organisation, your employees can be a part of this change by regularly donating a small portion of their salaries, or giving their time and expertise.

All contributions to TRF can be made by cheque or demand draft in favour of “The Restoring Force” payable in Gurgaon, Haryana, India. These contributions are deployed in school infrastructure projects, career counseling sessions and creation and distribution of learning material.

Scan this QR with any UPI linked app to pay
Scan this QR with any UPI linked app to pay

Unified Payments Interface (UPI) id: trfindia@sbi

Use any bank app or wallet linked to UPI to pay to this UPI id

Bank transfer details for foreign currency donations [FCRA Donations]

Beneficiary Name: The Restoring Force
Bank Name & Branch: State Bank of India, FCRA Cell, 4th Floor, 11, Parliament Street, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001
Bank Account No: 40136478791

Bank transfer details for donations made in INR [Domestic donations]:

Beneficiary Name: The Restoring Force
Bank Name: State Bank of India
Bank A/c No.: 63033676233
IFSC Code: SBIN0030410
Branch: Old Delhi Road, Sector-14, Gurgaon

Please email the details of your donation to

Other ways to contribute

Contribute to specific projects being run by TRF:

You can specify that you want your contribution to go towards the recharge of wells in Rajasthan, or construction of toilets for boys and girls, or for classroom infrastructure, be it blackboards or science lab equipment. Or, you may want your funds to provide scholarships for girl students who, on the basis of merit, have qualified for higher education. If a donor specifies the project they are contributing to, TRF provides a written, detailed account of how that contribution has been spent.

Contribute old, out-of-use computers, cameras and other equipment:

TRF believes in making every resource count, and that includes not wasting existing, valuable resources like computers no longer in use in homes and offices, stationary that is spare, furniture that can be used by teachers and staff, and learning material like books that can be used by village children, even if they are not new.

So, if you have working computers, cameras, tablets etc that you no longer use, donate them to TRF and they can be used in our education projects, for documentation work, by our community radio team

© The Restoring Force

The Restoring Force (TRF) was founded in the year 1997 and registered under the Society Registration Act in 2001. Since then, TRF has been working relentlessly with the marginalized and excluded communities of Gurgaon and Rajasthan.